Tuesday, July 15, 2008


My dad's 50th birthday party was Sunday. This first pic is my dad holding a cake that has his senior picture on it. And, of course, the second pic is of the cake itself. My dad, who used to rag me about my "longish" hair, adorned this stylish top in his eighteenth year.

It was a good weekend. I ran the 25-minute run Sunday morning with no problems. This morning, we began Week 7 (of 9). This entire week consists of 25-minute runs. My first race is more than likely going to be Thursday, July 24th. There is a 3K at Kereiakes Park.

So, running is going well.

The Dark Knight comes out Friday. We bought tickets to the IMAX online today for Saturday night. I'm all geeked out for this one. I've got a movie poster above my desk at work, wallpaper on my PC, a screensaver for my PC and my iPhone. What can I say?!?

Speaking of iPhones, did I mention my dad ordered himself one? The apps are amazing.

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